Saturday, September 17, 2011

Little Critters

With no running to do, my weekend has gotta kinda boring. So when M goes for her runs, tagged along (actually not much choice there, have to be the driver). So when the occasion calls for it, decided to turn photographer. First up was the  TNF 100 Challenge 2nd Progressive Run at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.

While waiting for the runners to return, went around the trails looking for some subject to snap. First came across this little critter - a cotton stainer bug as I later found out. I also found out it was damn tough taking this sort of 'macro' photo without a proper macro lens. 
Cotton Stainer Bug
I was using a 55 - 200mm len initially for the runners but for the bug, no matter how I zoom, or stand far away, I couldn't get a clear sharp picture. So I switch to a 28 - 55 mm len but didn't fare much better. I didn't dare go too near in case I scare off the fella but standing far away means I couldn't be able to get a nice close up. In the end, went with all the possible permutations of manual focus, auto marco, plain auto on manual mode, aperture priority, shutter priority, full auto and finally got one which I think is decent enough.

It was the same with this grasshopper. So the lesson to take away from this session was macro photography of nature needs a steady hand, a good set of macro or extension len  of which I have neither and a tripod which I have but hate to carry around.
A weeks later was back at the same place. This time for some trail maintenance under the TNF 100 programme. While clearing part of the place, the Princess unearthed 2 little critters:

A hammerhead flatworm which we mistook for a slug.
Hammerhead Flatworm
A Black Eye Litter frog which we thought M killed with her changkul but fortunately did not.
Black Eye Litter Frog
Both these latter photos were taken with the Canon SX210 compact camera. Again, we found it wasn't easy taking such photos with the camera without the necessary accessories even if set on macro mode.

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