Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Chow Chow

There was this article in the Sunday Times about "chow chow". Basically, it is an item which a person grow up with and love dearly and most of all, do not wash hence it Hokkien name Chow Chow meaning smelly smelly. In the article, most of the people interviewed had soft toys, bolster or pillow which are the 3 most commonly kept chow chow. There is even a locally set up blog mychowchows where people post the pics and history of their chow chows.

Well, allow me to join the club. Ha ha at 47 I still have my chow chow. Like Linus in Peanuts, I have a blanket. Or rather this is the 3rd incarnation. What is so special about my blanket which I had for the past 10+ years is that it is a patchwork blanket sewn from old clothes by Mom. As far as I can remember, she has been sewing one whenever the current one becomes torn and tattered and this current one is the 3rd she has produced, if I am not wrong.

Actually this 3rd piece was not meant for me but for one of the kids but they didn't "see it up" so I confiscated it and have been using it since. It is slightly too small for me but with our weather being what it is, it is just nice as a light cover. And it get washed every so often so it doesn't smell.
And no, I don't carry it around like Linus and I don't bring it overseas.


  1. Cool! Must let D know that you have one too... :D

  2. D has one chow chow too? A blanket like mine or a bolster:)? show picture
