Saturday, September 4, 2010

Books to Pass On

It's spring cleaning time and I got books to pass on. Here are the full list.

Children Books
Pokemon – Comics – 12 titles
Pokemon – Stories – 5 titles
Captain Underpants – 6 titles
Bookworm Short Stories

Junior Fiction
Goosebumps series – 19 titles
Star Wars – Jedi Apprentice Series – 4 titles
Star Wars – Jedi Quest – 2 titles
Star Wars – Science Adventures
The Boy who Talks to Ghosts by Benny and Alice Wong
3 in 1 Magical Mystery Stories
Roald Dahl – The Twits
The Boxcar Children – 2 titles
The Wongs of Changi
Maggie's Adventures
Ai Lin & her Invisible Friends
Charlotte's Web
Time Surfer – Shock Wave by Tony Abbott
Graveyard School – The Easter Egg Haunt
4 Chinese books

Others Children Non-Fiction
Digimon Official Character Guide
Magic the Gathering Advanced Strategy Guide
Star Wars Jedi Training and Trials Quiz Book
Smelly Jokes for Kids
Pokemon Snap
The Official Pokemon Handbook
Usborne Puzzle Adventure Omnibus
Usborne 2nd Puzzle Adventure Omnibus
101 Cool Science Experiments
101 Cool Jokes

Adult Novels
Piers Anthoy – A Spell for Chameleon (Fantasy)
Crawford Kilian – Green Magic (Fantasy)
Dark Terrors – Stephen Jones and David Sutton (Horror)
VC Andrews – My Sweet Audrina (Horror)
VC Andrews – Midnight Whispers (Horror)
VC Andrews – Secret of Mornings (Horror)
Robert E Howard's World of Heros (Fantasy)
Lisa See – The Interior (Crime)
Jack The Ripper -Susan Casper & Gardner Dozois
Dark Fortunes – Richard Lee Byers (Crime)
Guy N Smith – Carnivore (Horror)
The Ivanhoe Gambit – Simon Hawke (Fantasy)
James P Blaylock – The Stone Giant (Fantasy)
Boris Starling – Strom (Thriller)
Stephen J annell – Riding the Snake (Crime Triller)
Alexis A Gilliland – Lord of the Troll Bats (Fantasy)
J F Rivkin – Silver Glass Mistress of Ambiguities (Fantasy)
Carl Miller – The Warrior and the Witch (Fantasy)
J F Rivkin – Silver Glass Witch of Rhostshyl
Mark Grant – Mutants Amok (Sc-Fi)
Scare Care – Graham Masterton (Horror)
McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales – Michael Chabon (Horror)

Adult Non-Fiction
Everything We Had – Al Santoli
Miriam Stoppard's – Pregnancy and Birth Book
What makes a Champion! - Allan Snyder
The World at your feet – Dale Beaumont & Brent Williams
I am Gifted So Are You – Adam Khoo

Anybody who wants them - just email, pm, sms, call me. It's free but self collect. However, if  you know of any organisation (except Salvation Army) that may want them, let me know. I can send over to them.


  1. Yo that's very generous of you Koh, if no one wants it you can always drop it at the library because that's what I do :D

  2. Can you do that? Just drop off the books at the library? The counter or the book drop?

  3. Hey Koh, just before the entrance to the library there is a clear big box, people just drop their books there for recycle.

    That's what we did couple of weeks ago, my girl's books are all still very new and didn't want to waste it. Check it out when you visit a library first. :D
