Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back Looking Ahead

It was like not so long ago that the whole earth was awash in a frenzy panic attack over the year 2000. Now 10 years have passed and the Millennium bug is gone. The earth is still around. I am still around. But I don’t know for how much longer. The earth I mean and I guess me along with it. The crazy weather; the crazier people destroying it bit by bit and the even crazier people with their nuclear weapon who might just nuke the world on a stupid ego trip.  Will the next 10 years see the end of the world as we know it today?

Okay let’s not look so far. Just look forward to the new year 2011. But first a small reflection on the year just passed. And by golly, I managed not to break any resolution. How about it! But then hor, I didn’t make any in the first place. Ha ha lame right?

2010 started with a bang before it fizzled out. A commitment to move to a new place but which somehow only materialized 9 months later. Like having a baby! And then I abandon my glasses after close to 40 years of wearing. So these are 2 big and good decisions that were made during the year. But other than that, there wasn’t much excitement. Maybe 2011 will be more interesting.

Now what can I do to make 2011 more interesting? Maybe a new Mistress? 

Wishing all my friends, readers and fellow bloggers a Blessed Prosperous and Healthy 2011.


  1. Yo Koh...exciting or not depends on us coz we have a choice ya :D

    Happy New Year to you and yo....don't ever toy with idea of mistress hor..... :D

  2. Hi Shiong, And a happy new year to you too. About the mistress thing, even if I want to, I don't think anybody will want an ugly, poor, uncouth old man like me:)
