Friday, April 1, 2011

Maid for Army

By now everybody in Sg is talking about the army boy and his maid carrier. I think it is a bit overblown since we don't know the background behind the picture. I heard stories from friends in the Army of them getting request from parents to send in their maids to do the area cleaning (can't be true right?); parents asking for mc on behalf of their kids; parents questioning the training etc etc.

I agreed with most comments that us parents pampered our kids too much. I also think our kids are not tought enough. Our kids lack the toughness that comes from roaming outdoors like we use to do when we were young - catching spiders, longkang fish, etc etc. Nowadays, the kids are cooped up at home in front of the computer killing digital foes and creatures. How to be tough?

Anyway for those pampered spoil kids out there who are going into the army soon or already there act like a man. Do the washing, ironing, carrying yourself. For the parents, let the kids grow up. They have to take care of themselves sooner or later.

Meanwhile, here's some of the witty spoofs making the round.
From Clubsnap

From Military Nuts
From sgcollect forum

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