Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tampines Changkat Butterfly Garden

Made an exciting discovery  that somewhere in Tampines, there was a butterfly garden!

First opportunity available, grab the camera and went there to see what was available.

Turned out it was a real mini butterfly garden but it was the first time I ever see so many butterfly in one location. But as usual, I was lazy and just snap away, handheld without any tripod.

Mottled Emigrant
Lime Butterfly

Mottled Emigrant (Female)

Plain Tiger

Chocolate Pansy

Orange Emigrant


  1. Hey Koh can send some of your pixs for photo competition ya...fantastic!!! Like a pro :D

  2. Some nice shots there, Koh. The ID's of the rest of the shots are : #1 : Mottled Emigrant(Male), #2 : Lime Butterfly, #3 : Mottled Emigrant (Female), #4 : Plain Tiger, #5 : Chocolate Pansy, #6 : Orange Emigrant (incorrectly labeled as Common Grass Yellow)
    Visit for more butterfly information.

  3. Aye Aye Sir. Thank you for dropping by and the heads up.

  4. Looks like the Mottled Emigrant and the Orange Emigrant are over-populated the Tampines Changkat Butterfly garden... trying to get enough catepillars @Lime Butterfly and Plain Tiger Butterfly, to breed and release.

  5. hi there, could I have your permission to use your photos for a presentation? I'll put 'photos courtesy of Terry Koh'. Can?

  6. Hi there, TwerPiak, Thank you for dropping by. The pictures are rather low res but if you can use them, please go ahead.
