Friday, March 7, 2008

Nikon D60

Finally after months of procrastination and taking the opportunity offered by the IT show, got the latest Nikon D60 - improved version of the D40X. This one come with VR, self cleaning blah blah blah...Came with these freebies - a camera bag, Nikon tripod, screen protector, pen brush, cleaning cloth, 2gb SD card and a card reader.

Also decided to add on a 55 - 200mm lens and 2 UV filters to complete the first one.

Took a first shot. Compared with the Canon A510's.

The skill still sucks though. So I guess it's not the tool but the man wielding it that matters:(


  1. 4m where and in how much did you buy this stuff. i am interested o get ne for myself too -

  2. Nikon D60 review and other
    at digital camera blog
