Got something to complement my toy. Been meaning to get one for the longest time but some how heart pain to part with close to $400 for a Nikon SB600.
Finally after scouting around for so long, settled on this Tumax DBT386. This is a Hongkong made flash. Not that many review on the web site since it is fairly new. What was available was a mixed bag of praise and brickbats.
Anyway stingy me decided to take the plunge anyway.The more impressive specs* of the flash was what sold me in the end. In fact, the sales guy said it is more close to the SB800 than SB600 which was my original choice. My more camera savy colleague who accompanied me to the shop thought I was a bit crazy to just buy like that without finding out more. He wasn't too impressed with its weight and felt that it was not powerful enough. But for slightly under $200, I deemed it worth taking the risk. For good measure, I also took a CPL and a remote shutter release. Now all I need to do is to find time to play with it.

*1) Guide number: 45
2) Zoom range is 24 to 85
3) TTL with full manual control(iso,zoom,fstop,power ratio),
4) Built in wide panel and reflector
5) Built in optical sensor
6) With LCD
Anyway, this shop, artworkfoto, got some amazing stuff for a small little shop in the middle of nowhere. Check it out. They now have some promo going on.