Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sarawak Land of the Crocodile

We woke up bright and early the next morning to the sound of rain. And it rained and rained. It was still the rainy season after all and so we had to cancel our plan to visit one of the national park. We managed to find a friendly taxi driver and he took us to the Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre where the Centre rehabilitate wild Orang Utans. By the time we reached there, we had missed the Orang Utan’s feeding but we were still fortunately to see a mother and her child perched up in the tree feeding each other. 

From there, we went over to the Jong’s Crocodile farm where we watch ‘jumping’ crocodiles jumping high up to eat the baited chicken. That was a mighty awesome sight, seeing those big beasts jumping so high. 

There were some other animals at the farm but the highlight was this little creature that we found on the floor. It was so pitiful, must have been dropped by a bird of prey and ants were crawling over it. We couldn’t identify it although I think it should be a puppy. Eventually we handed it to the farm worker. I hope they didn’t toss it into the arapaima’s tank. 

As it was still drizzling, we abandoned all plans to go any other places and went to the Satok Weekend market, a huge place where they sell all sort of market produces and more. We had our lunch there – traditional Sarawak food like the Kolo mee, Sarawak Laksa and Mee Sapi. Back at the hotel, with time to kill, we decided to book the expensive RM200 per head Wildlife River Cruise where we hope to catch a glimpse of the Irrawaddy dolphins, crocodile and Proboscis monkey. Alas, when we reach the Santubong start point, the boatman pointed to the sky and called off the cruise in view of the impending rain. What a bummer! 

So we had to go back to Kuching town and after walking around aimlessly in one of the tiny shopping mall, we made our way to Top Spot Food Court where we made the most wonderful discovery of the whole trip! Seafood! And at fantastically low prices. We ordered 1 lobster, big prawns, crayfish, noodle, soup and a weird looking forest fern and it cost us a total of only RM137!. 

In fact, we were so stuck by the pricing that we decided to abandon our plan to eat at another highly recommended place and went back to Top Spot on the last evening for another shot.

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