Sunday, June 10, 2012

Durian Soya Bean Pudding

I normally don't have high regards for those durian flavour soya bean curd selling at the shops and hawker stalls. But still I quite kapoh and got to try when I see a new stall. The other day was at my usual lunch haunt and there was another one of those new craze, soya bean pudding stall. 

The stall owner got not much business so she was sitting at our table and we got to talking. The very glib lady - she was praising my colleague no end. So when we finished our meal, we paiseh and decided to buy the soya bean pudding. But I changed my mind when I saw they have a variety of jellies beside the usual soya bean. And they had durian. I decided to try that.

Imagine my delight when I opened it to find this:

Yes real durian on top and also inside. Most other I tried only have durian flavoured pudding. Hardly any at the economic level ie stalls and shops sell it with real durian. But this one did, Packaging wasn't that nice unlike say, the Goodwood Park durian desserts. But at $2.00 a pop, it was well worth it!

The stall is at Maxwell Food Centre, somewhere in the middle right next to the Taiwanese Porridge stall.

1 comment:

  1. Yo for a moment I thought you went over to Hong Kong :) Ok for $2.20 can give it a go la :)
