Saturday, July 7, 2012

Safari World Bangkok

About the only sightseeing place that I wanted to go to in Bangkok was the Safari World having seen pictures of it in some travel sites. And I was not disappointed. or maybe I was. 

There was a mini safari course where we could see some animals, actually a lot like the giraffe, rhino, camel, zebra and all sort of African birds and deers up close. Even lion, tigers and bears. The way they do it, any vehicle including coaches can drive in. In our case, our cab driver drove in all the way. That was the interesting part.

The not so interesting portion was the "River Cruise" which was just a ride amusement park style. And to make it worse, there were no animals - only fake animals and figurines! Definitely something to pass over.

Some poor imitation of an African dwelling
The other sad part about the place was that apart from the open safari ground (which I think is a bit overcrowded), was the enclosure for the other animals. Being used to Singapore Zoo open concept, it is a bit disturbing to see the animals confined in cages. Certainly the cages are now bigger, better landscaped than some other zoos I seen but still it looks very cramped to me. And of course the wire made it difficult to take photographs although I did managed to pull off a few nice one:

The biggest highlight must be the Giraffe where one can get up close and personal to the giraffes and touch and feed them. This alone is to be worth the price of the admission ticket!

More pictures here

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