Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fly and Pee

Here's what goes on in front of the urinal.

No. 1 Most common: Unbutton, unzip, pull open front of trouser and pull down underwear and let go. Visible from back: nothing

No 2. Frequently used by middle and above aged men: Unbutton, unzip, pull down trouser and underwear until bum is exposed. Visible from back: Half of the backside

No 3. Method adopted by most fat man: Unbutton, unzip, pull down trouser and underwear until knee level. (wonder how they manage to keep the trouser from dropping all the way to the floor?) Visible from back: backside and whatever dangling between their legs

Latest (just saw this morning): Unbutton, unzip, pull down trouser and underwear until bum is exposed. Pull up shirt. Visible from back: half of backside and half of back. (Now's that a new one which prompt this post)

Correct method: Unzip fly, pull down underwear (if wearing) and pull out the little brother and pee. Gee wonder whether anybody still do this?


  1. AIyoooooooooooooooooooo what fun post, now I know what's go on inside the men toilet....women just close the cubicle down and they decide what to do and how to do.

    This is cracking me, thanks ah :D

  2. I really wished I could take a picture of the last one with his shirt pull up and his pant pull down. Seriously, I wonder how he manage to hold his shirt up, his pants down and still has a hand free to hold his 'urmp' and aim straight.........
