Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nature Photography

If there is one thing I learnt the past few times that I tried to take pictures of creepy crawlies outdoor, it is that I got no patience. The damn thing is so difficult to do. Ever since I got hooked on taking these slimy things, I realised that taking such pictures is not simply a matter of locate the insect, point and shoot. 

First, there is a need to get the right equipment so that the insects can appear real big in the photo. With my previous kit lens of a standard 28mm - 55mm and another zoom of 55mm - 200mm, it was nearly impossible to take any nice picture. The best I could do was take one and then crop it which was a bit like cheating.

Next, even with the right gear, I need the subject to stay still and insects? how do they stay still? The grasshoppers and dragon flies are easier but the bugs, butterflies, those are a nightmare.

And if they do keep still, then its the wind blowing and blowing and a little bit of movement means my photo goes blur blur...

My friends said use tripod, monopod whatever but it is easier say then done especially when the insects are all over and most of them are not exactly in accessible view and need some contortion to get near.

Maybe I need to get somebody to teach me?

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I got a marco lens but with 2 of us in the house taking pictures, it wasn't enough and being a cheapskate, I got a cheap new toy to add on to the kit lens and hopefully get some good results. 

Following photos were all taken with the Nikon D60 + 55 - 200 mm kit len

200mm Aperture Priority
80mm + Raynox Super Macro Conversion Lens Manual

Macro mode 55mm
62mm Manual
The same plant 72mm with Raynox Super Macro Conversion Lens
More on the Raynox Super Macro Conversion Lens another time.

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