Friday, February 17, 2012

Spa Infinity

Photo from
Spent a painful yet shiok hour at the Spa Infinity this afternoon. This is my fourth visit there - a record since I made it a point never to go to the same place. Why need to when there are so many places to choose from? And all at dirt cheap prices. Previously, other than overseas trips, I restricted my visit to local spa to those that I can buy cheaply off the net through those coupon deals. And with that, I have visited the whole range from small little outlet to posh places and all at a fraction of the listed prices. Which is why I don't understand people who pays thousand of dollars for spa packages only to find it closed down one day, until I went to Spa Infinity.

First impression wasn't that great though. Although it was located right smack in busy Orchard Rd, it was housed in a dingy run down building. Worse, to get to the spa, one had to make their way down to basement 2 via a flight of staircase, and then exit the building proper via a wooden door which leads into the carpark! And across the doorway was the entrance to Spa Infinity. Not a very welcoming walk to what was to follows.

The 2 hot and cold pools
However, once you step into the spa, you are transformed to a totally different way. The reception is not unlike any other spa but the difference ends there. Unlike the other average spa which brings you straight to the treatment room, thrust a disposable underwear at you and you change there, at Spa Infinity, you get a key to a locker which is inside the changing room cum toilet. And what a changing room! I have not been to any real atas spas yet so I can't compare but against similar price establishment this was like Wow! There were shower rooms, toilets, a steam room, a sauna, a cold pond and a hot jacuzzi. And there was a whole range of toiletries on the long counter together with razor, comb, cotton bud, hair dryer...... And no disposable underwear. The guys get to wear boxers under the robe that is provided. Visitors are free to use all the facilities in the changing room before or after the treatment.

The waiting area
After soaking in the pool and changing into the robe, there is a nice lounge to wait for treatment. While waiting, one can laze around on the many sofa set or sit on the leather recliner and watch tv or do a mini workout on the vibration machine. Treatment is mainly by therapist from China (where else?) and Philippinos. There is a whole suit of services available from facial to foot massage but so far I have only been there for the massage so I am unable to comment on the other services. The massage here is mainly the Tui Na and sports massage type although they do offer the full range. So far I have just been contended to let the therapist do their job and most of the Chinese therapists are good enough to be able to feel all the knots in my muscles and release them which was why I ended up with pain all over today.

After treatment, there is the usual ginger tea and its back to the changing room where I spent another half an hour sweating it out in the steam room and hot Jacuzzi. Speaking about the hot jacuzzi, this is about the closest one can get to a Japanese Onsen here. The feeling was so damn shiok that if not for M waiting outside, I would have stayed soaked in there for much longer.

The dining room 
And the whole experience doesn't end there. There is still a free snack to go along with the treatment and when they say snack, they actually mean a full meal. There were a whole range of food to choose from - sandwiches, waffles, kaya toast, lo mai kar, siew mai, etc etc and drinks.

And all the above for an average of $65.00 per hour session  But of course, to make sure that I don't loose my money if the place close down suddenly, we only bought 10 hours of usage which means the most we will lose will be a few hundred dollars. But the place is also under the Casetrust program and people who want peace of mind can pay an extra $$ for the insurance coverage.

This is by far the best experience spa I been to and without taking anything away from the many home therapist, if any of you want some nice pampering at decent price, this is it!

NB: The Mgt of Spa Infinity did not coerce or offer me benefits to write this piece.

NNB: I wrote this piece of my own accord

NNNB: But if the Mgt of Spa Infinity want to thank me for this piece, I have no problem with it as well:)

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